Academic judgement | When a staff member of a higher education provider assesses a student’s work. |
Accessible | Something easy to use or understand for everyone. |
Acknowledge | Accept, admit or recognise something. |
Adequate | Doing something well enough to meet a need or standard. |
Alternative dispute resolution | A way of resolving disagreements without it escalating any further using the help of a neutral third party. |
Anonymous | Not revealing one’s identity. |
Appeal procedures | The steps taken to ask a decision to be revisited or changed. |
Appropriate | Suitable for a specific person, occasion or purpose. |
Assess | Judging or deciding the amount, value, quality or importance of something. |
Authority | The power or right to give orders, make decisions or control something. |
Case study | A real-life example used to show how something works or what happened in a specific situation. |
Channels | Methods of how information or communications are shared. |
Circumstances | The conditions or facts about a certain event or situation. |
Coercive | Using force to persuade people or organisations to do something they don’t want to. |
Committed | Having made a pledge or obligation to a person or thing. |
Complaint | When someone reports they are unhappy or upset about something they think is wrong or unfair. |
Conciliate | To make peace or fix a disagreement. |
Conduct | The way a person treats others or behaves. |
Confidential | Something kept secret and not shared with others. |
Consent | Giving permission or agreeing to something. |
Consider | To think about something carefully, usually to make a decision. |
Cooperative | Working together with others to achieve a shared goal. |
Course administration | The processes involved in managing an educational program. |
Disability | A condition that makes it harder for someone to perform everyday activities or interact with the world around them. |
Disciplinary | Actions taken to punish someone for breaking rules or behaving wrongly. |
Discretion | The power to decide something. |
Discrimination | Treating a person or group of people different, often in an unfair way. |
Diversity | Having different people, ideas or things from diverse cultures and backgrounds. |
Education and outreach | Efforts by the NSO to inform the community about training for public officials, their right to make complains and how we can improve services across Australia. |
Empowering | Making someone feel confident and capable or giving them the power to do something. |
Endeavours | Efforts or attempts to achieve something. |
Endorsement | Giving approval or support to something or someone. |
Enforcement | Making sure people follow a rule or law, or making a situation happen. |
Enrolment | Officially joining a group, course or school. |
Evidence | Anything that can be used to prove or disprove something. |
Examine | To look at something closely and in detail. |
Exclusion | Not allowing someone or something to take part in an activity or to enter a place. |
Feedback | Information or comments about how well something was done. |
Formal report | A report of NSO findings that includes supporting information and may provide suggestions for an agency to fix issues and stop them from happening again. |
Framework | A structure or system that provides support and guidelines. |
Freedom of information | An act that says anyone can request access to federal agency records or documents unless they fall under any of the nine exemptions. |
Gender-based violence | Harmful actions or abuse directed at someone because of their gender. |
Guidelines | Outlines of standards for future policy or action. |
Higher education provider | A university or other institution that offers higher education, also known as tertiary education. A list of providers can be found through TEQSA. |
Human rights | Rights and freedoms that all people should have, no matter their background or circumstances. |
Impartial | Being fair and not taking sides. |
Implemented | Something that has been put into effect. |
Inclusion | Making sure everyone is involved and treated fairly no matter what their background is. |
Informal | Something relaxed or not official, without strict rules to follow. |
Initiated | Something being started or set in motion. |
Intercepted | Stopping or catching something before it reaches its destination. |
Interfere | Getting involved with something to stop it from happening how it was meant to. |
Investigation | The act of looking into something to find out more information or uncover the truth. |
Justification | Explaining why something was done. |
Legal | Something allowed by law or following rules set by the government. |
Legislation | Laws made by the Australian Parliament. |
Liability | Being responsible for something, especially when it comes to legal or financial duties. |
Lodge | Formally submitting something, like a complaint or application. |
Malicious | Something done to cause harm, hurt or damage. |
Mediation | An interactive process where a neutral third party helps people in a disagreement find a resolution. |
Misconduct | Behaviour by someone in a position of authority that is bad or unacceptable. |
Network | A group of connected systems, people or organisations. |
Officer | A person whose job is to manage complaints, make decisions and make sure the process is fair. |
Omissions | Things that have been left out or forgotten. |
Oppressive | Something that is harsh, unfair or cruel, causing challenging times or difficulty. |
Organisation | A group of people who work together for a shared purpose. |
Outcomes | The results of something that happens or the way something turns out. |
Overlap | Having something in common, such as a duty or responsibility. |
Pathway | Actions taken to achieve something. |
Policy | A guideline that outlines what to do in different situations. |
Precautions | Actions taken to stop something bad from happening. |
Privacy | The right to keep personal information to yourself and not let others know about it without your permission. |
Procedures | Steps or actions taken to get a result. |
Providers | Higher Education organisations. |
Racism | Treating people unfairly because of their race or where they come from. |
Reasonable adjustments | Changes made to remove or get rid of barriers for people with disabilities or health issues. |
Recommendation | Suggestions or advice on the best thing to do. |
Reconsider | To think about something again and choose whether to change a decision or opinion. |
Referral | Sending someone or something to a different person or place for help, information or action. |
Regulator | A governing body or agency that sets policies for organisations. |
Representative | A person representing a group or organisation. |
Resolution | An official decision made by a group or organisation. |
Restorative engagement | A process where a person or organisation works with someone affected by their actions to address harm and find a solution. |
Review | Carefully checking or looking over something to make sure it is correct or decide if changes are needed. |
Rights | Rules or freedoms that protect people and allow them to live freely and fairly. |
Sector | A part or subdivision of a larger group. |
Service standards | Guidelines that outline the quality of customer service an organisation should provide. |
Special consideration | Giving someone extra help or making exceptions for them because they have a problem or special need. |
Stakeholder | A person, group or organisation that has an interest in a certain decision or institution. |
Submitting | Sending or giving something such as a request, form or document to someone who will review it. |
Sufficiency | Being good enough or meeting demand. |
Systemic | Problems that are part of how a system works, affecting it at every level, not individually. |
Teaching provision | Resources and support that a higher education provider gives to help students learn and progress. |
Trauma informed response | A way of communicating with people who have experienced trauma that supports their recovery and does not retraumatize them. |
Unauthorised | Something done without permission or approval. |
Unjust | Something that is unfair or not right. |
Unreasonable | Not being rational or fair. |
Unsatisfied | Not feeling happy with something or your needs not being met. |
Vocational | Skills, training or work that prepares someone for a specific job or career. |
Webchat | An online text conversation on a website or app, usually in real-time. |
Welfare | A person’s overall wellbeing, including physical, mental and emotional health. |
Witness | A person who sees something happen, like an event or a crime. |
Workshops | A hands-on, interactive session where people learn new skills or knowledge. |